
Bank Of India

RBI has allotted IFSC codes to all the bank branches in India to easily identify transactions done through a particular branch. IFSC codes are unique 11-digit codes with alphanumeric characters, which are given to all bank branches and the code won't repeat. It is mandatory to enter IFSC code or MICR code to identify the branches to perform fund or cash transactions. Without this code the bank branches can't transfer funds.

These codes help the users to ensure that the transferred funds go to the right person, without any errors.

For example, we can take Bank of India IFSC code: "BKID0008019" - IFSC Code of Bank of India branch in Usman Road, T Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. This IFSC code can be used for online money transactions via NEFT, RTGS and IMPS to any Bank of India account or to other bank accounts.

  • Here, the first four alphabets, BKID, indicate the bank name, i.e., Bank of India.
  • The fifth digit is 0 (zero) - provided for future use.
  • The last six digits 008019 - denotes a particular branch of Usman Road, T Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

The Indian Financial System Code in short denoted as IFSC is used for online payment applications like Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS), National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT), Immediate Payment Service (IPM), from one bank to another through electronic Instant Mobile Money Transfer service (IMPS), and Centralized Funds Management System (CFMS) instructed by RBI.

RBI has allotted IFSC codes for all banks in India to find out the branches when money transfers take place. According to RBI guidelines, the IFSC code is mandatory for interbank transfers via, NEFT and RTGS to any bank in India. With help of IFSC codes and MICR codes, the online fund transfers are made easy without any confusion. The first four Characters mentioned in IFSC code denote the bank names and the last six digits helps to identify the bank branch name involved in the transaction. The fifth digit is zero for all banks which is next to alphabets provided for future use. This code helps to avoid the risk factor while sending and receiving funds through banks in our country and it makes sure that the money reaches the right account holder at the specified branch.

Easy way to find Bank of India IFSC Code and MICR Code?

If the customer knows the full name of the bank and its branch location, then it is easy to find IFSC codes and MICR codes within a few seconds. The customer can find MICR codes and IFSC codes which are printed on passbook and cheque books/ leaves issued by Bank of India.The website of Reserve Bank of India also offers the entire list of IFSC codes required for the account holder. The customers can also enter into the bank's official website. Some of the third-party financial websites or other advertisement websites are also rendering the service to get IFSC codes of any bank and its branches located in India.

Some of the popular financial comparison sites display the table carrying IFSC codes for Bank of India branches throughout India. Any account holder visiting the website has to choose the Bank IFSC code link present on the home page. Customers by clicking the link will lead to another page where four columns are displayed. Customers must feed some bank details like the state in which it is located, the district in which it is located and branch name to get IFSC codes or MICR codes for Bank of India. The website displays all details about the bank such as the phone number, address of the branch, name, branch code etc.

Bank Of India Branch Details


Bank of India was formed by a group of eminent businessmen from Mumbai on 7th September, 1906. The bank was under private ownership and control till July 1969 when it was nationalised along with 13 other banks. The bank began with one office in Mumbai, with a paid-up capital of Rs.50 lakh and 50 employees, the bank has made a rapid growth over the years and blossomed into a mighty institution with a strong national presence and sizable international operations. In business volume, the bank occupies a premier position among the nationalised banks.

The bank has over 5,000 branches in India spread over all states/ union territories including specialized branches. These branches are controlled through 59 Zonal Offices and 10 NBG Offices. There are 60 branches/ offices and 5 Subsidaries and 1 joint venture abroad. The bank came out with its maiden public issue in 1997 and follow on Qualified Institutions Placement in February 2008.

While firmly adhering to a policy of prudence and caution, the bank has been in the forefront of introducing various innovative services and systems. Business has been conducted with the successful blend of traditional values and ethics and the most modern infrastructure. The bank has been the first among the nationalised banks to establish a fully computerised branch and ATM facility at the Mahalaxmi Branch at Mumbai way back in 1989. The bank is also a Founder Member of SWIFT in India. It pioneered the introduction of the Health Code System in 1982, for evaluating/ rating its credit portfolio.

Presently, the bank has overseas presence in 18 foreign countries spread over 5 continents - with 52 offices including 4 Subsidiaries, 1 Representative Office and 1 Joint Venture, at key banking and financial centres viz., Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong, London, Paris and New York.


The vision of the bank is to become the bank of choice for corporates, medium business and upmarket retail customers and developmental banking for small business, mass market and rural markets.


The mission of the bank is to provide superior, proactive banking service to niche markets globally, while providing cost effective, responsive service to others in the role as a development bank, and in doing so, meet the requirements of our stakeholders.


  • Bank of India is committed to become the bank of choice by providing superior, pro-active, innovative, state-of-the-art banking services with an attitude of care and concern for the customers and options.
  • The bank expects all directors to exercise good judgment, to ensure the interests, safety and welfare of customers, employees and other stakeholders and to maintain a cooperative, efficient, positive harmonious and productive work environment and business organisation. The directors while discharging duties of their office must act honestly and with due diligence.
  • They are expected to act honestly and with due diligence. They are expected to act with that amount of utmost care and prudence, which an ordinary person is expected to take in his/her own business. These standards need to be applied while working in the premises of the bank, at offsite locations where the business is being conducted whether in India or abroad, at bank-sponsored business and social events, or at any other place where they act as representatives of the bank.
For further details contact toll free no:
1800 103 1906,
1800 220 229,
022-40919191 (charges applicable).

Bank Of India Andaman And Nicobar Island Branch IFSC Code

    City Branch IFSC Code
    Port Blair Andaman Portblair BKID0008091

Bank Of India Andhra Pradesh Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Arunachal Pradesh Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Assam Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Bihar Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Chandigarh Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Chhattisgarh Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Dadra And Nagar Haveli Branch IFSC Code

    City Branch IFSC Code
    Dadrangr Haveli Silvasa BKID0002767

Bank Of India Daman And Diu Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Delhi Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Goa Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Gujarat Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Haryana Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Himachal Pradesh Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Jammu And Kashmir Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Jharkhand Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Karnataka Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Kerala Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Madhya Pradesh Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Maharashtra Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Manipur Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Meghalaya Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Mizoram Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Nagaland Branch IFSC Code

    City Branch IFSC Code
    Kohima Kohima Nagaland Kohima BKID0005019
    Dimapur Dimapur Nagaland Dimapur BKID0005043

Bank Of India Odisha Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Puducherry Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Punjab Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Rajasthan Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Sikkim Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Tamil Nadu Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Tripura Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Uttar Pradesh Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India Uttarakhand Branch IFSC Code

Bank Of India West Bengal Branch IFSC Code