
Canara Bank

Reserve bank of India has allotted IFSC codes to all the bank branches in India to easily identify the transactions which are done through a particular branch. IFSC codes are unique 11 digits codes with alphabetic and numeric characters, which are given to all bank branches, and the code won't repeat. It is mandatory to enter IFSC code or MICR codes to identify the branches to perform the cash transactions, without this code the bank branches can't transfer the funds.

These codes helps the users to ensure that the transferred funds receives to the rightful person without any error or concern.

The IFSC code for Canara bank Choolaimedu's branch in Chennai, Tamil Nadu is CNRB0006376.

This IFSC code can be used for online money transaction via NEFT, RTGS and IMPS to any Axis Bank account or to any other bank accounts, Here the first 4 alphabets CNRB indicates the bank name, The fifth digit is 0 [zero] for future use, The last 6 digits 006376 indicates the particular branch of Canara Bank which is located in Choolaimedu, Chennai.

IFSC code whose full form is Indian Financial System Code used for online payment applications like RTGS which is Real Time Gross Settlement, NEFT which is National Electronic Funds Transfer, IPM, from one bank to another through IMPS which is electronic Instant Mobile Money transfer Service and CFMS which is Centralized Funds Management System instructed by RBI.

RBI has allotted IFSC codes to all banks in India to find out the branches when money transfer takes place. According to RBI guidelines the IFSC code is mandatory for interbank transfers via NEFT and RTGS to any bank in India, with the help of IFSC codes and MICR codes the online funds transaction are made easily without any confusion. This codes helps to avoid risk factor while sending and receiving funds through banks in our country and it makes sure that the money reaches to the rightful account holder at the specified branch.

Easy way to find Canara bank's IFSC code and MICR code?

If the customer knows the full name of the bank and its branch location then it is easy to find the IFSC and MICR code, the customer can find the codes in the passbook and cheque books of the specified bank which is printed on the passbook, or the website of RBI also offers the entire list of IFSC codes required for the account holder. Some third party website also shows the IFSC codes in their websites. Some of the popular financial comparison sites display the table carrying IFSC codes for Bank of Baroda's branches throughout the India. Any account holder visiting the website has to choose the Bank IFSC code link present on the home page where 4 columns are displayed. Customers must feed some bank details like the state -> district -> branch -> to get the IFSC codes or MICR codes for Canara bank. The website displays all details about the bank such as the phone number, address, of the branch, name, branch code, etc...

Canara Bank Branch Details

About Canara Bank:

Canara bank was was established at Mangalore in 1906 by Ammembal Subba Rao Pai and later it became government nationalized bank in 1969. Canara bank is under the ownership of Ministry of finance which is by government of India. On August 30th of 2019 financial minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced that Syndicate bank will be merged with Canara bank on 1 April 2020, which makes it the fourth largest PSU bank in the country. In April 2003 Canara bank officially partnered with UNEP to develop a solar loan program, which was a four year deal worth of 7.6 million $ dollars which is help and accelerate the project in southern part of India which is solar home system's finance market.

According to the census which is taken in the 31st december 2020 it has came to known that Canara bank owns a total of 10,491 branches across the nation and there are a total of 12,973 Atm's in the nation, which consists an accounts base of rupees 10.90crores. Canara bank also provides the insurance types like life insurance and health insurance.

Canara bank has direct subsidiaries of Capital from the following companies listed below;

  • Canfin Homes Limited (CFHL), with a network of 110 branches and 28 satellite offices throughout India
  • Canbank Factors Limited
  • Canbank Venture Capital Fund Limited
  • Canbank Computer Services Limited
  • Canara Bank Securities Limited
  • Canbank Financial Services Limited
  • Canara HSBC Oriental Life Insurance Company Limited.

Canara bank owns the international branches in the foreign nations like London, Hong Kong, Moscow, Shanghai, Dubai, Tanzania, and New York. And recently Canara bank established a representative office in Sharjah. On 10th of June 2014 Canara Bank has now opened its seventh foreign branch in New York, United States.

Products and services provided by the Canara Bank:

Deposit Accounts: There are two types of accounts which can be used in the Canara bank i.e. Savings Account and Current Account.

Loans:There are a total of seven types of loan system which is provided by the Canara Bank i.e. Home loan, Personal loan, Loan against Property, Car loan, Education loan, Gold loan, and Business loan.

Investments:There are two types of investments system in Canara bank which is Fixed deposits and Recurring deposits.

Cards:There are two types of cards which are used in Canara bank i.e. Debit cards and Credit cards.

Banking system:There are four types of Banking service provided in Canara bank i.e. Balance enquiry, Mini-statements, Net banking, and Customer care services.

The total assets value of Canara bank is ?1,153,675crores which is 160 billion in U.S. Dollars $.

For further details contact or write to Canara Bank Head Office;
NO.6648, 112, JC Rd, P.B, Halsurpete,
Nagarathpete, Bengaluru
Karnataka 560001.
Contact:- 080 22221581, 080 22221582.

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Canara Bank Andhra Pradesh Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Arunachal Pradesh Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Assam Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Bihar Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Chandigarh Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Chhattisgarh Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Daman And Diu Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Delhi Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Goa Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Gujarat Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Haryana Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Himachal Pradesh Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Jammu And Kashmir Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Jharkhand Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Karnataka Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Kerala Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Lakshadweep Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Madhya Pradesh Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Maharashtra Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Manipur Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Meghalaya Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Mizoram Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Nagaland Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Odisha Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Puducherry Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Punjab Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Rajasthan Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Sikkim Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Tamil Nadu Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Tripura Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Uttar Pradesh Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank Uttarakhand Branch IFSC Code

Canara Bank West Bengal Branch IFSC Code