RBI has allotted IFSC codes to all the bank branches in India. IFSC codes are unique 11-digit codes with alphanumeric characters to identify the branches to perform fund or cash transactions. These codes help the users to ensure that the transferred funds go to the right person account.
For example, we can take IFSC code: "CRLY0000010" - of Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank branch in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
According to RBI guidelines, the IFSC code is mandatory for interbank transfers via, NEFT and RTGS to any bank in India. This code avoids the risk factor while sending and receiving funds through online.
The customer can find MICR codes and IFSC codes which are printed on passbook and cheque books/ leaves issued by Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank.
The website of Reserve Bank of India also offers the entire list of IFSC codes required for the account holder. The customers can also enter into the bank's official website. Customers by clicking the link will lead to another page where four columns are displayed. Customers must feed some bank details like the state in which it is located, the district in which it is located and branch name to get IFSC codes or MICR codes.
Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank is shortly denoted as Credit Agricole CIB is the arm of Credit Agricole group, specialises in the businesses of capital markets and investment and corporate banking. The parent bank is Credit Agricole's Local Banks was formed in France on 5 November 1894. Now, this bank is the second largest bank in France.
In India, Credit Agricole CIB India was established in the year 1981. At present, this bank is operating in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai and Pune. With the help of these five branches, the bank deals with the large markets in Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Baroda. The bank offers a comprehensive range of products and services, tailored to meet the needs of Indian companies, multinational companies and financial institutions.
Credit Agricole CIB ranks amongst the major foreign banks in India in its core businesses including Fixed Income Markets, Export and Trade Finance, Project Finance and Acquisition Finance. It also offers to its customers a wide range of products and services in terms of cash management and working capital facilities. The presence of the bank in India, the Credit Agricole Group International Business Solutions "Asia-Pacific", located in Mumbai.
ADDRESSCity | Branch | IFSC Code |
New Delhi | New Delhi | CRLY0000002 |
City | Branch | IFSC Code |
Bangalore | Bangalore | CRLY0000005 |
City | Branch | IFSC Code |
Pune | Pune | CRLY0000006 |
Mumbai | Mumbai | CRLY0000010 |
City | Branch | IFSC Code |
Chennai | Chennai | CRLY0000004 |