
Dcb Bank Limited

RBI has allotted IFSC codes to all the bank branches in India to easily identify transactions done through a particular branch. IFSC codes are unique 11-digit codes with alphanumeric characters, which are given to all bank branches and the code won't repeat. It is mandatory to enter IFSC code or MICR code to identify the branches to perform fund or cash transactions. Without this code the bank branches can't transfer funds.

These codes help the users to ensure that the transferred funds go to the right person, without any errors.

For example, we can take the IFSC code: "DCBL0000032" of the DCB Bank Limited branch in Adalat Road, Aurangabad, Maharashtra. This IFSC code can be used for online money transactions via NEFT, RTGS and IMPS to any DCB Bank Limited account or to other bank accounts.

  • Here, the first four alphabets, DCBL, indicate the bank name, i.e., DCB Bank Limited.
  • The fifth digit is 0 (zero) - provided for future use.
  • The last six digits 000032 - denotes a particular branch of Adalat Road, Aurangabad, Maharashtra.

The Indian Financial System Code in short denoted as IFSC is used for online payment applications like Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS), National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT), Immediate Payment Service (IPM), from one bank to another through electronic Instant Mobile Money Transfer service (IMPS), and Centralized Funds Management System (CFMS) instructed by RBI.

RBI has allotted IFSC codes for all banks in India to find out the branches when money transfers take place. According to RBI guidelines, the IFSC code is mandatory for interbank transfers via NEFT and RTGS to any bank in India. With help of IFSC codes and MICR codes, the online fund transfers are made easy without any confusion. The first four Characters mentioned in IFSC code denote the bank names and the last six digits helps to identify the bank branch name involved in the transaction. The fifth digit is zero for all banks which is next to alphabets provided for future use. This code helps to avoid the risk factor while sending and receiving funds through banks in our country and it makes sure that the money reaches the right account holder at the specified branch.

Easy way to find DCB Bank Limited IFSC Code and MICR Code?

If the customer knows the full name of the bank and its branch location, then it is easy to find IFSC codes and MICR codes within a few seconds. The customer can find MICR codes and IFSC codes which are printed on passbook and cheque books/ leaves issued by DCB Bank Limited.

The website of Reserve Bank of India also offers the entire list of IFSC codes required for the account holder. The customers can also enter on the bank's official website. Some of the third-party financial websites or other advertisement websites are also rendering the service to get IFSC codes of any bank and its branches located in India.

Some of the popular financial comparison sites display the table carrying IFSC codes for DCB Bank Limited branches throughout India. Any account holder visiting the website can choose the Bank IFSC code link present on the home page. Customers by clicking the link will lead to another page where four columns are displayed. Customers must feed some bank details like the state in which it is located, the district in which it is located and branch name to get IFSC codes or MICR codes ford CB Bank Limited. The website displays all details about the bank such as the phone number, address of the branch, name, branch code etc.

Dcb Bank Limited Branch Details


  • DCB Bank Limited in Mumbai formerly known as Development Credit Bank Limited prior to conversion, was registered under provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and known as Development Co-operative Bank Limited. This co-operative bank came into existence by an amalgamation of two cooperative banks namely Ismailia Co-operative Bank Limited and Masalawala Co-operative Bank Limited effected in 1981. Later in 1991, Citi Co-operative Bank Limited was merged with Development Co-operative Bank Limited.

  • In 1990's, there were about 1,400 co-operative banks in our country and few of these co-operative banks were given permission by RBI to convert into scheduled commercial banks. Development Co-operative Bank was one of 11 such banks that converted themselves into scheduled commercial banks.

  • On 28 January 1995, the shareholders of Development Co-operative Bank resolved to register as a Joint Stock limited company and got the license to carry on banking business under section 22 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. The shareholders of Development Co-operative Bank accepted to re-named as DCB Bank Limited on 31 May 1995, but it was officially effective on 24 October.

  • Later it expanded its operations beyond the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and in Union Territories of Goa, Daman and Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Delhi. It has a network of 67 branches, 5 extension counters and 101 ATM's across in India.

  • In 2015, DCB Bank planned to open 150 additional branches. In 2016, DCB Bank launched Aadhaar enable ATM in Bengaluru. The bank was conferred the Good Corporate Citizen Award 2017-2018 by the Bombay Chamber of Commerce & Industry. This was in recognition for the activities actively promoted by the Bank for sustainability and climate change mitigation across India. DCB Bank has 352 branches as on 31 March 2021.

For further details contact: 022-6899 7777, 040-6815 7777.
Email: customercare@dcbbank.com

Dcb Bank Limited Andhra Pradesh Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Bihar Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Chandigarh Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Chhattisgarh Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Daman And Diu Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Delhi Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Goa Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Gujarat Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Haryana Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Karnataka Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Kerala Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Madhya Pradesh Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Maharashtra Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Odisha Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Punjab Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Rajasthan Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Tamil Nadu Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited Uttar Pradesh Branch IFSC Code

Dcb Bank Limited West Bengal Branch IFSC Code