RBI has allotted The Indian Financial System Code (IFSC codes) to all the bank branches in India. It is a unique 11-digit code with alphanumeric characters. It is mandatory to enter IFSC code or MICR code to identify the branches to perform fund or cash transactions. These codes help the users to ensure that the transferred funds go to the right person account.
For example, we can take the IFSC code: "FSFB0000001" of Fincare Small Finance Bank branch in Sarjapur Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka. This IFSC code can be used for online money transactions via NEFT, RTGS and IMPS to any Fincare Small Finance Bank account or to other bank accounts.
- Here, the first four alphabets, FSFB, indicate the bank name, i.e., Fincare Small Finance Bank.
- The fifth digit is 0 (zero) - provided for future use.
- The last six digits 000001 - denotes a particular branch of Sarjapur Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
Easy way to find Fincare Small Finance Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code?
The customer can find MICR codes and IFSC codes which are printed on passbook and cheque books/ leaves issued by Fincare Small Finance Bank.
The website of Reserve Bank of India also offers the entire list of IFSC codes. The customers can also enter on the bank's official website. Customers by clicking the link will lead to another page where four columns are displayed. Customers must feed some bank details like the state in which it is located, the district in which it is located and branch name to get IFSC codes or MICR codes.
Fincare Small Finance Bank Limited Branch Details
Fincare Small Finance Bank was established by merging two non-banking finance companies Micro Financial Institutions namely, Future Financial Services Private Limited and DishaMicrofin Private Limited incorporated in 1995. In 2010, it was registered as NBFC-ND with the RBI under the name of 'DishaMicrofin Private Limted'. In 2013, it was registered as NBFC-MFI. DishaMicrofin Private Limited got license for RBI under section 22 of the bank and commenced banking operations on 21 July 2017. In 2018, the number of customers crossed over one million. In 2019, the active customers in the bank crossed 1.7 million.
In the first quarter of the financial year 2020, this bank was included in the Second Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. After this, the bank got Scheduled Status of Commercial Bank and got a high degree of trust. The bank started with a vision to enable the financial inclusion of the unbanked and under-banked section, mass retail and micro and small enterprise sector. It has various products such as Savings Account, Current Accounts, Fixed Deposits, NRI Fixed Deposits, Recurring Deposits, Micro Loans, Cash Overdraft, Gold Loans, Loan against property, Affordable Housing Loan, Institutional Finance and Two-wheeler Loan.
Fincare Small Finance Bank is operating in 13 States and 3 Union Territories including Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Punjab and Karnataka.
The bank has received several awards. In 2018, the bank got Skoch Order of Merit for capacity building and financial literacy and for technology -LAP D Lite by ABP News. Other awards are World HRD Congress, M FIN Annual Award, Celent Model Bank of the year and Gujrat Best Brand Award. In 2019, the awards are World HRD Congress, World AI Show, India Banking Conclave and BFSI Awards, ET BFSI Innovation Tribe Award, World BFSI Congress Award and Dun and Bradstreet BFSI Summit and Awards.
In 2020, the awards are Finnoviti Award, Financial Express Best Bank Awards, Business Today Best Bank Awards, IBA Technology Award, Business Leader of the Year, Business Leader of the Year, World HRD Congress and Drivers of Digital Solutions Award. In 2021, the awards are Best Innovation in Financial Inclusion Technology, Best CSR Initiative and Mobility ICON.
Fincare Small Finance Bank Limited,
301-306, 3rd Floor, Abhijeet-V,
(Opp) Mayor Bunglow, Law Garden Road,
Ahmedabad - 380006.
Toll Free number: 1800 313 313.
Email ID: customerservice@fincarebank.com