The Reserve Bank of India allotted a special and unique character known as IFSC code that contains 11 digits which are in alphanumeric. The IFSC code is very essential for any online transactions like NEFT, RTGS, IMPS etc.
For example, the IFSC code of Parsik Bank located in Thane, Maharashtra is PJSB0000017. This code is divided into three parts.
- The first four digits PJSB are alphabets in capital letters which represent the bank name Parsik Bank.
- The fifth digit is 0 (zero) - provided for future use
- The last six digits is 000017 helps to identify the bank branch name Naupada Branch located in Thane, Maharashtra.
Easy way to find Parsik Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code?
IFSC and MICR codes are found in passbook and cheque leaf. IFSC code is printed on the top of the cheque leaf and found below the address field which is printed in a box. If the customer doesn't have a passbook and cheque leaf, they can reach the nearest bank branch and get the details by providing the account number and bank branch name.
The customers must provide details asked in the column like bank name, state, district and bank branch name.
About the Parsik Bank
G P Parsik Bank started in a remote village in Kalwa, Thane District, Maharashtra on 21 May 1972. A visionary leader Shri Gopinath Shivram Patil, M.Com., L.L.B with his young and energetic team formed the bank. In the year 1998, the bank achieved scheduled status. The bank attained Multi State Scheduled Bank Status on 26 March 2015.
The bank has 91 fully computerized branches in Thane, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Raigad, Pune, Nashik, Sangli, Kolhapur districts in the state of Maharashtra, Mapusa, Margao in Goa and Nipani , Belgavi in Karnataka. The bank has crossed its business mix of Rs.6,000/- crore consisting of deposits over Rs.4,000/- crore and advances over Rs.2,000/- crore.
The vision of the bank is to achieve the highest level of ethical, efficient and effective customer service with robust technological support through highly motivated and committed professional staff with social responsibility.
The mission of the bank is to provide excellent customer service with transparency, trust and timely updated technology through diversified products for consistent growth of the bank and customers.
The bank believes in harnessing the true spirit of teamwork in everything it does. By readily sharing experience, resources and opportunities, the bank ensures that all its offerings come with a higher degree of accountability.
In the FY 1995-1996, “Congress Seva Dal” was awarded – “ Seva – Bhushan Award”. Maharashtra State Cooperative Banks Association has awarded the “Best Urban Bank Padmabhushan. "Vasantdada Patil Award” for three consecutive years 1995-96, 1996-97, and 1997-98.
On 30 January 1998, Parsik Bank attained Scheduled Bank Status. It got awards for three consecutive years ending 98-99 from an Organization called “Yuvak Mudra”, who organized competition in memory of Rajarambapu patil in regards with merit and principal of cooperative banks.
In 2009, the bank Successfully Implemented one of CBS and RTGS, NEFT, Any Branch Banking Service and SMS Banking Service.
In the FY 2009-10, the bank ranked first in the category of best bank among Cooperative banks with deposits over Rs.500 crores from The Maharashtra Urban Coop. Banks Federation. In 2010, the merger of Ichalkaranji Mahila Sahakari Bank Limited and centralized outward / Inward clearing.
In FY 2010-11, the bank got third rank in the category of best bank among Cooperative banks with deposits over Rs.500 Crores for the year 2010-11 from The Maharashtra Urban Co-op. Banks Federation.
In 2011, E-Payment Service, Personalized Cheque Book Facility, Tie - up with NPCI for ATM network sharing under NFS Switch, First Bank in India to launch “RUPAY” ATM Brand of NPCI.
In 2013, the bank bagged the National Level "Best Youth Chairman Award” declared by Banking Frontier. Hon Chairman Shri. Ranjit Gopinath Patil was felicitated with the award by Shri. K. C. Shashidhar, Chief General Manager, NABARD. The bank received many awards and the list goes on.
Address :
G P Parsik Bank,
Sahakarmurti Gopinath Shivram Patil Bhavan,
Parsik Nagar, Kalwa, Thane – 400 605.
For further details contact: 022-25456500 / 6525 and toll free 1800 222511.