
The Mumbai District Central Cooperative Bank Limited

RBI has allotted the Indian Financial System Code in short denoted as IFSC codes to all the bank branches in India. IFSC codes are unique 11-digit codes with alphanumeric characters. These codes help the users to ensure that the transferred funds go to the right person account, without any errors.

For example, we can take the IFSC code: "MDCB0680001" - of The Mumbai District Central Cooperative Bank Limited branch in Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

  • Here, the first four alphabets, MDCB, indicate the bank name, i.e., The Mumbai District Central Cooperative Bank Limited.
  • The fifth digit is 0 (zero) - provided for future use.
  • The last six digits 680001 - denotes a particular branch at Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

This IFSC code can be used for online money transactions via NEFT, RTGS and IMPS to any The Mumbai District Central Cooperative Bank Limited account or to other bank accounts. According to RBI guidelines, the IFSC code is mandatory for interbank transfers via NEFT and RTGS to any bank in India. This code helps to avoid the risk factor while sending and receiving funds through banks in our country.

Easy way to find The Mumbai District Central Cooperative Bank Limited IFSC Code and MICR Code?

The customer can find MICR codes and IFSC codes which are printed on passbook and cheque books/ leaves issued by The Mumbai District Central Cooperative Bank Limited. The website of Reserve Bank of India also offers the entire list of IFSC codes required for the account holder. The customers can also enter into the bank's official website.

The Mumbai District Central Cooperative Bank Limited Branch Details


  • The Mumbai District Central Co-operative Bank Limited (MDCC Bank) was registered under Maharashtra Cooperative Society Act in 1974. MDCC Bank started its operation on 12 February 1975. It is a central financing agency of all affiliated co-operative societies in Mumbai District, which is popularly known as "Mumbai Bank". Since, there is no agriculture production in this District, Mumbai Bank is catering to the financial needs of non-agricultural co-operative societies such as Urban co-op. banks, Urban co-op. credit societies, Employees co-op. credit societies, Housing co-op. societies, Co-op. consumers stores, Industrial, fisheries and labour co-op. societies etc.

  • In India, an integral part of the policies formed by the Co-operative movement is focused on the development of the country, upliftment of the poor and propagation of principle which represents the very socio-cultural ethos of the country. The Co-operative movement has enabled us to develop the economy and to bring social change at large.

  • The success of the co-operative depends largely on their ability to face the challenges by converting these challenges into opportunities of growth and development in the fast changing liberalized economic era. The Indian co-operative movement is so far the largest movement in the world. In India cooperatives operate in almost all important sectors i.e. agricultural, agro-processing, fertiliser, marketing, credit, dairies, spinning, handloom and handicrafts, sugar, fisheries, banking, etc.

  • In India co-operatives have gained popularity because they have proven capabilities to reach at the grass root level and have strengthened the faith in co-operatives. The area of operation of some of the co-operatives is limited to village, taluka, district, state or all India basis. Computerization is a new need of business in co-operatives. Operational efficiency, customer service, communication & management information system are the four important parameters to ensure success of business organization.

  • These parameters are improved to a great extent with the help of computers and information technology (IT) by The Mumbai District Central Co-operative Bank Limited. Co-operatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. The co-operative principles are the guidelines by which co-operatives put their values into practice. The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) in its centennial conference held in Manchester in September 1995 approved and adopted seven basic principles of Co-operation.
The Mumbai District Central Cooperative Bank Limited,
Mumbai Bank Bhavan,
207, Dr. D.N. Road,
Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.
For further details contact:0022-22617154-59.

The Mumbai District Central Cooperative Bank Limited Maharashtra Branch IFSC Code