
The Nasik Merchants Cooperative Bank Limited

RBI has allotted the Indian Financial System Code in short denoted as IFSC codes to all the bank branches in India. IFSC codes are unique 11-digit codes with alphanumeric characters. These codes help the users to ensure that the transferred funds go to the right person account, without any errors.

For example, we can take the IFSC code: "NMCB0000004" - of The Nasik Merchants Cooperative Bank Limited branch in Satpur, Nasik, Maharashtra.

  • Here, the first four alphabets, NMCB, indicate the bank name, i.e., The Nasik Merchants Cooperative Bank Limited.
  • The fifth digit is 0 (zero) - provided for future use.
  • The last six digits 000004 - denotes a particular branch at Satpur, Nasik, Maharashtra.

This IFSC code can be used for online money transactions via NEFT, RTGS and IMPS to any The Nasik Merchants Cooperative Bank Limited account or to other bank accounts. According to RBI guidelines, the IFSC code is mandatory for interbank transfers via NEFT and RTGS to any bank in India. This code helps to avoid the risk factor while sending and receiving funds through banks in our country.

Easy way to find The Nasik Merchants Cooperative Bank Limited IFSC Code and MICR Code?

The customer can find MICR codes and IFSC codes which are printed on passbook and cheque books/ leaves issued by The Nasik Merchants Cooperative Bank Limited. The website of Reserve Bank of India also offers the entire list of IFSC codes required for the account holder. The customers can also enter into the bank's official website.

Customers by clicking the link will lead to another page where four columns are displayed. Customers must feed some bank details like the state in which it is located, the district in which it is located and branch name to get IFSC code or MICR code.

The Nasik Merchants Cooperative Bank Limited Branch Details


  • The Nasik Merchants Cooperative Bank Limited was established on 11 June 1959. The history of banking is approximately 62 years ago. It is very difficult to get finance from banks not only in Nasik but the other parts of Maharashtra for a common man or a small industrialist or a small merchant for their true needs.

  • In those days, the bank's policy was to collect deposits from the rural areas and distribute these deposits as a loan to specific industries as loan and to collect more and more profits from it in the name of secured banking. So, the actual needy people are not getting the benefits of banking from such policies.

  • To break this tradition, some prominent and hardworking social activists came together to remove such barricades between common needy people and the bank. So, the bank started and popularly known as "NAMCO". Other enthusiast social workers like late Visukaka Kshatriya, late DadasahebPotnis, Mamasaheb Shukla, PrabhakarpantModak, Gopalrao Pathak, Annasaheb Kulkarni, M.S.Aurangabadkar, BabubhaiRathi, G.V.Ashtaputre, Narayan Vaishya and many other social workers gave an excellent contribution. It was a very difficult journey from 1959 to 1975 to emerge as a bank for the common man.

  • The bank was certified as a 'Scheduled Bank' by RBI on 22 April 1996. Again, it was certified as a 'Multistate Scheduled Bank' by RBI on 25 Oct0ber 2000. At present, it has 81 branches including the Administrative Office. It has 63 branches in Nasik District and 16 branches in Maharashtra and two branches out of the state. The bank was spread across Maharashtra, Gujrat, Madya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh.

  • In the new edge of technology, there are vast customer service options to provide better banking solutions. In India's 500 topmost software companies, 25% software companies are in Maharashtra as well as 40% people using the internet. In such a situation the computerized banking concept is not only limited for the cosmopolitan cities but it started in the rural areas too. So, to reach more and more customers and provide them the fastest way of services, the bank moves towards the Core Banking Solutions. And successfully completed core banking solutions and implemented them for all branches in March 2007. Because of the strong technology base, the bank is always ahead in banking.
The Nainital Bank Limited,
Administrative Office,
A/16, Late BabubhaiRathiChowk,
NetajiSubhashchandra Bose Marg,
M.I.D.C, Satpur, Nashik - 422 007,
Maharashtra, India.
For further details contact:0253-2308200 to 06.
Email: helpdesh@namcobank.in

The Nasik Merchants Cooperative Bank Limited Andhra Pradesh Branch IFSC Code

    City Branch IFSC Code
    Hyderabad Hyderabad NMCB0000041

The Nasik Merchants Cooperative Bank Limited Gujarat Branch IFSC Code

The Nasik Merchants Cooperative Bank Limited Maharashtra Branch IFSC Code