
IFSC Code of Yes Bank, Delhi, Postal And Rms Emp Coop Bank Delhi

View the Yes Bank IFSC and MICR Codes of Postal And Rms Emp Coop Bank Delhi branch, Delhi, Delhi. The other details of Yes Bank Postal And Rms Emp Coop Bank Delhi branch such as address and phone number are also given below.

Postal And Rms Emp Coop Bank Delhi branch IFSC Code YESB0PRMS02

MICR Code 110811002
Branch Code PRMS02 (Last Six Characters of IFSC Code)
Bank Name Yes Bank
Branch Name Postal And Rms Emp Coop Bank Delhi
City Delhi
District Delhi
State Delhi
Address Business Post Centre Gpo Compound New Delhi 110006
Phone No. "022-33477374 / 228 , 0124-4619119 Contact No. - 18002000. "
Eamil Address. NEFT@YESBANK.IN

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allotted IFSC Code to all Yes Bank banks and its Yes Bank branches in India. The Yes Bank IFSC Code of the bank is printed on the front page of the Yes Bank bank , Postal And Rms Emp Coop Bank Delhi branch passbook and found in the cheque leaf below the address field or on the RBI website. According to RBI instructions, a valid IFSC Code is mandatory for all kinds of fund transfers such as NEFT, RTGS and IMPS from one bank to another.

Table Of Contents

  • IFSC Code Uses
  • Structure of IFSC Code and sample cheque
  • How to search for IFSC and MICR Code
  • Frequently Asked Questions?

IFSC Code Uses

  • IFSC Code is used for NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer). NEFT is an electronic payment system which helps to transfer funds from any bank account to another account.
  • IFSC Code is used for RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement. RTGS is a funds transfer system based on a gross settlement concept where money is transferred from one bank to another in real-time. A minimum limit of Rs.2 Lakh is transferred.
  • IMPS (Immediate Payment and Service) is an electronic fund transfer system which helps in payment or transfer of funds instantly within banks across India at all the time (24x365) through the internet.

Structure of IFSC Code and sample cheque

The 11 alphanumeric of IFSC Code is formed to identify the bank and its branch. The first four letters represent the bank name and the last six characters indicate the bank branch. The fifth character 0 (zero) is provided for future use.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Y E S B 0 P R M S 0 2
First four digits (in alphabets in capital letters) of IFSC code Bank Name The fifth digit is 0 (Zero) The last six digits (mostly in numeric, but few banks like Bank of Baroda, YES Bank are using alphabets capital letters) of IFSC code indicates Bank Branch Name.

Sample Cheque Format
Sample cheque

How to search for IFSC and MICR Code?

  • IFSC Code is printed on the first page or front page of the bank passbook where the account details are given and also mentioned in the cheque leaf below the address field.
  • IFSC Code is also published in the concerned bank official website.
  • All banks and its branch list of IFSC Code are published in Reserve Bank of India’s website.
  • MICR Code is printed on the bank passbook and also on the cheque leaf next to the cheque number.
  • MICR Code can be found on the bank’s official website.

Frequently asked questions Yes Bank, Postal And Rms Emp Coop Bank Delhi branch, Delhi, Delhi

  • What is the IFSC Code of Yes BankPostal And Rms Emp Coop Bank Delhi branch?
    YESB0PRMS02 is the IFSC Code of Yes Bank, Postal And Rms Emp Coop Bank Delhi branch, Delhi,Delhi.
  • What is the address of this IFSC Code: YESB0PRMS02?
    The address of this IFSC Code: YESB0PRMS02 is Yes Bank, Postal And Rms Emp Coop Bank Delhi branch, Delhi,Delhi
  • In which State this IFSC Code: YESB0PRMS02 HDFC Bank is located?
    This Yes Bank is located in the State of Delhi.
  • In which District this IFSC Code: YESB0PRMS02  Yes Bank is located?
    Yes Bank is located in Delhi District.
  • What is the branch name of this IFSC Code: YESB0PRMS02?
    The last six characters of this IFSC code: YESB0PRMS02 reveals that it is Postal And Rms Emp Coop Bank Delhi branch.