
Karunthattankudi Sub Registrar Office

Karunthattankudi Sub Registration Office comes under Tanjore Zone , Thanjavur Revenue District , Avusahib Thottam Revenue Village and Thanjavur Revenue Taluka. The maximum guideline value in Karunthattankudi SRO division is Rs 67 per sqft and the minimum guideline value is Rs 67 per sqft which was quoted by Public Work Department (PWD) officials for the properties located in guideline villages

Villages in Karunthattankudi Sub Registrar office

Village Name Minimum Value (Rs.) Maximum Value (Rs.)
Aavushahip thottam 67 per square feet 67 per square feet
Alangudi 50 per square feet 134 per square feet
Chakrasamandam 33 per square feet 50 per square feet
Manakkarambai 67 per square feet 335 per square feet
Melaveli rd 134 per square feet 603 per square feet
Narasanayagipuram 33 per square feet 110 per square feet
Palliagraharam 84 per square feet 201 per square feet
Perambur i sethi 50 per square feet 50 per square feet
Rajendram 33 per square feet 134 per square feet
Ramanathapuram addl 84 per square feet 705 per square feet
Ramapuram 50 per square feet 67 per square feet
Thottakkadu 50 per square feet 67 per square feet
Velur 50 per square feet 125 per square feet
Ward 1 201 per square feet 804 per square feet
Ward 2 201 per square feet 1000 per square feet

This SRO consists of many Registration villages (Guideline villages) such as : Aavushahip thottam, Akkammathottam, Alangudi, Chakrasamandam, Kancha nayakkan thottam, Koodalur, Kurungaloor, Manakkarambai, Melaveli rd, Naagathi, Narasanayagipuram, Palliagraharam, Palliyeri, Perambur i sethi, Perambur ii sethi, Pillaiyarnatham, Rajendram, Ramanathapuram addl, Ramanathapuram chief, Ramapuram, Seeralur, Thenperambur, Thottakkadu, Velur, Vennalodai, Ward 1, Ward 2, etc.

Address Format :
Karunthattankudi Sub Registration Office,
Sivagangai Park, Thanjavur Tanjore Dt-613009.
Phone No:04362-230205
Email ID: srokarunthattankudi@tnreginet.net