
Roshan Singh Bhandari Marg Janjira Choraha Se Anganwadi Kendra Tak Village Guideline value

To register a property located in Roshan Singh Bhandari Marg Janjira Choraha Se Anganwadi Kendra Tak village, the category of property has to be primarily identified, since the guideline value differs from one property type to another property type. Guideline value not only determines the minimum registration value of the property located at Roshan Singh Bhandari Marg Janjira Choraha Se Anganwadi Kendra Tak village but also it enables to calculate the associate cost of property registration such as stamp duty, registration fees etc.

Market value of the property located at Roshan Singh Bhandari Marg Janjira Choraha Se Anganwadi Kendra Tak village may differ from guideline value considering the other factors such as infrastructure of the building, material used in construction, age of the property etc, however registration of property can be done at par with guideline value or higher than the guideline value.

Roshan Singh Bhandari Marg Janjira Choraha Se Anganwadi Kendra Tak Village Plot Market value in Square Meter




Rs. 50400
Rs. 50400
Rs. 50400

Roshan Singh Bhandari Marg Janjira Choraha Se Anganwadi Kendra Tak village Residential Building Market value in Square Meter



Tin shade

Kaccha kabelu

Rs. 58400
Rs. 57600
Rs. 56000
Rs. 54400

Roshan Singh Bhandari Marg Janjira Choraha Se Anganwadi Kendra Tak village Commercial Building Market value in Square Meter




Rs. 60000
Rs. 59600
Rs. 59200

Roshan Singh Bhandari Marg Janjira Choraha Se Anganwadi Kendra Tak village Agriculture Land Plot Market value in Hectare/Square Meter


Un Irrigated

Sub Clause wise Residential

Sub Clause wise Commercial

Rs. 504000000
Rs. 504000000
Rs. 50400
Rs. 50400