
Murugathal Nagar Property Guideline Value

Adhanu village has a minimum guideline value of Rs.134 per sqft to a maximum of Rs.4150 per sqft. Adhanu ranks at 48th position in Tamil Nadu, for having the highest guideline value of Rs.4150 per sqft. Adhanu encompasses of nearly 161 streets. Among villages across Tamil Nadu, Guduvancheri has got nearly 0.918% of the streets in Kundrathur taluk.

Zone Name Chennai
SRO Name Guduvancheri
District Name Chennai South
Taluk Office Kundrathur
Village Name Adhanu
Guideline Value (per sqft) ₹ 670 Per Sqft
Guideline Value (per sqMeter) ₹ 7215 Per SqMeter
Guideline Value (per Cent) ₹ 2,91,825.20 per Cent
Guideline Value (per Ground) ₹ 16,08,000.00 per Ground
Guideline Value (per Acre) ₹ 2,91,85,200.00 per Acre
Classification Residential Special Type - I
Address Defency Colony Road, Near Bernard Hospital, Nandhivaram, Guduvanchery-603202
Emailid :srogooduvancheri@tnreginet.net
Phone :044-27462940
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