Balambalpuram village has a minimum guideline value of Rs.54 per sqft to a maximum of Rs.871 per sqft. Balambalpuram ranks at 231th position in Tamil Nadu, for having the highest guideline value of Rs.871 per sqft. Balambalpuram encompasses of nearly 2 streets. Among villages across Tamil Nadu, Karur Joint I has got nearly 0.14% of the streets in Karur taluk.
Zone Name | Trichy |
SRO Name | Karur Joint I |
District Name | Karur |
Taluk Office | Karur |
Village Name | Balambalpuram |
Street Name | SRI SANGAR NAGAR |
Guideline Value (per sqft) | ₹ 241 Per Sqft |
Guideline Value (per sqMeter) | ₹ 2600 Per SqMeter |
Guideline Value (per Cent) | ₹ 1,04,969.96 per Cent |
Guideline Value (per Ground) | ₹ 5,78,400.00 per Ground |
Guideline Value (per Acre) | ₹ 1,04,97,960.00 per Acre |
Classification | New House Site Type -III (Approved Lay-Out) |
Address | Collector Office Campus,Thanthondrimalai, Karur-639007. Emailid Phone :04324-255228 |