
Mummusha Bajar Theru Arcot C Property Guideline Value

Arcot c ward village has a minimum guideline value of Rs.100 per sqft to a maximum of Rs.1675 per sqft. Arcot c ward ranks at 136th position in Tamil Nadu, for having the highest guideline value of Rs.1675 per sqft. Arcot c ward encompasses of nearly 58 streets. Among villages across Tamil Nadu, Arcot has got nearly 0.214% of the streets in Arcot taluk.

Zone Name Vellore
SRO Name Arcot
District Name Ranipet
Taluk Office Arcot
Village Name Arcot c ward
Guideline Value (per sqft) ₹ 636 Per Sqft
Guideline Value (per sqMeter) ₹ 6855 Per SqMeter
Guideline Value (per Cent) ₹ 2,77,016.16 per Cent
Guideline Value (per Ground) ₹ 15,26,400.00 per Ground
Guideline Value (per Acre) ₹ 2,77,04,160.00 per Acre
Classification Residential Class III Type - I
Address Muppathuvetti Village, Kalavai Road, Arcot-632 503.
Emailid :sroarcot@tnreginet.net
Phone :04172-233415
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