
Showk Mosque 2Nd Lane Street Ambur Town Ward D Plot Amp Property Guideline Value

Ambur town (ward d)(plot&land) village has a minimum guideline value of Rs.54 per sqft to a maximum of Rs.2680 per sqft. Ambur town (ward d)(plot&land) ranks at 88th position in Tamil Nadu, for having the highest guideline value of Rs.2680 per sqft. Ambur town (ward d)(plot&land) encompasses of nearly 116 streets. Among villages across Tamil Nadu, Ambur has got nearly 0.315% of the streets in Ambur taluk.

Zone Name Vellore
SRO Name Ambur
District Name Tirupathur
Taluk Office Ambur
Village Name Ambur town (ward d)(plot&land)
Street Name SHOWK MOSQUE 2ND LANE Street
Guideline Value (per sqft) ₹ 1005 Per Sqft
Guideline Value (per sqMeter) ₹ 10825 Per SqMeter
Guideline Value (per Cent) ₹ 4,37,737.80 per Cent
Guideline Value (per Ground) ₹ 24,12,000.00 per Ground
Guideline Value (per Acre) ₹ 4,37,77,800.00 per Acre
Classification Residential Special Type - II
Address Post Office Road, 11, Railway Station Road, Ambur-635802.
Emailid :sroambur@tnreginet.net
Phone :04174-243640
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